Tuesday 5 November 2013

High Current Stepper Motor Driver Options

. . . So I have been through A LOT of datasheets and manufacturers websites to find a high current stepper motor driver for my application (+-2.5A per phase). After "googling" until my search window links were all purple on the +-8th page, I decided that recapping was necessary. So here I will supply you with my top 3  motor driver options for your DIY CNC machine.

Option A:

Name: Stepper Motor Controller IC
Supplier: Texas Instruments
Max current: 2.5A
Continuous current: +- 2.0 A
Microstepping: Full step, 1/2 , 1/4, 1/8
Max step frequency: 500 kHz
Price for one IC: +- R70.00 (+- $7)
Pros: Very small, low idle current
Cons: Proper heat dissipation needed ,Only for Bi polar motors (4 wires)
Full datasheet: DRV8818

Newer model: DRV8825 (includes stepping 1/16 and 1/32, Not pin compatible)
Full Datsheet: DRV8825

The nice guys at Electrofunltd have a lot of open source projects with full schematics and PCB layouts in a well documented assembly manual. They also feature a shield and driver board for the DRV8818 (the previous driver board they used). You can find it here ( Tested, it works well)

Option B:

Name: Linistepper V2
Supplier: Piclist or DIY
Max current: 3A @ 36V
Continuous current: Depending on heat-sink size and ventilation
Microstepping: Full,1/2,1/6,1/18 and infinite
Max step frequency: Around 333 kHz
Price per kit: $28 (USA shipping only)
Pros: Easily replace components, components easily available
Cons:  5,6,8 wire unipolar motors only (Doesn't support 4 wire steppers)
Full specs, Schematic,PCB assembly: LinistepperV2

Piclist seems like they took their time to design a good,reliable,strong and affordable stepper controller. I haven't tried it out yet (currently using bipolar stepper) but i will have to build this creation soon.

Option C:

Name: Toshiba TB6600HG bipolar stepping motor driver
Supplier: Toshiba
Max current: 5A
Continuous current: +-3.5A
Microstepping: Full, 1/2,1/4,1/8,1/16
Max step frequency: 200 kHz
Price per IC: +- R110.00  (+-$11)
Pros: Integrated 5V regulator, Easily attach heat-sink
Cons: hard to come by depending on location.
Full datasheet: TB6600HG ( HG = through hole)

Cuteminds offers enough information of CNC machines to be able to construct your own CNC machine from scratch after going through their detailed posts. They were also nice enough to share the schematic and PCB layout of their stepper motor driver using the Toshiba TB6600. Links to that TB6600HG Driver

I hope that this quick guide gave you an answer or at least put you in the right direction.
So let's start Objectively Constructing Devices!

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